It is wonderful to be able to help someone come up with solutions when they are facing a serious problem.
Sometimes, it is possible to remain calm around them so that ideas can come through you, which they can then adopt.
Sometimes that is all that is needed and then they are able to take care of the situation on their own.
Since there is always a solution from the infinite Source of all ideas, it is always good to take the steps to become calm.
One of the things I do is so very simple; I just take calming deep breaths.
I have had so many instances of finding a solution, that I simply know there is always one, so I remind myself of that.
The calm you express in such situations helps dilute the panic that others may be feeling.
It helps change the atmosphere so that everyone can feel it.
We all have the capability to hear the steps we need to take.
They are always coming right to us in our moments of need.
We can always offer that thought just be affirming it to ourselves, no need to say anything.
Then we will see the situation become calm as the right steps are applied.
© 2015 Kathryn Hardage