The question, “How can I serve?” is transformative.
It directs thought away from our problems and allows an influx of practical inspiration.
When we offer service, we are uplifting our own lives.
The problems we have in attracting business are addressed in this question.
We have to have the courage to ask “How can I serve?”
Our own directives for our lives are usually limited to what we see around us plus our own imaginations.
There is something more specific and more focused and more expansive to our situation when we are willing to listen for an answer to this question.
We are allowing the Universe to weigh in when we do this.
The Universe has much larger solutions in mind.
We connect ourselves with all the resources possible through the question of service.
It includes a larger answer, although that answer may appear in tiny steps.
It allows entrance to the answer of the question.
The first tiny step is in acknowledging that we need to know more about serving.
Combined with honesty about doing what we love to do, serving will attract exactly what we need in order to grow and to expand our business.
Our own lives improve as we enter into service through our business.
It is because we are all connected that this happens.
When we ask for greater good, we are included.
We cannot exclude everyone else and expect to progress.
Even if we are serving others as part of our business, we can still improve our outreach by asking “How can I serve?” as part of a broader philosophy.
There are always opportunities to include more people in expressing and receiving good.
Ask the question and let the Universe direct the answer.
© 2018 Kathryn Hardage