A legitimate fear is not a panic attack.
When you can see the pattern’s negative evolution, you do not have to follow it, nor endure it.
When you are around someone in such a deep conviction of despair that there is continual self-sabotage, your need is to lift yourself up and out.
As a child, you may develop coping skills.
Later, you will be compelled to find healing in order to thrive.
Even a nation can be affected by the people who intentionally spread fear.
This is the time to look within and to listen for what you know is true.
You can combat much of the fear by noticing the difference between the lies and the truth.
Then you can direct your own life accordingly and build on what you know to be true.
If it looks like the lies and fear are becoming overwhelming, listen within once again, and below all the fear, you will find guidance and direction.
You may be guided to take action in a particular way.
You will be able to maintain your own safety and that of others as you continue to listen for guidance and to take action.
There are infinite resources within to keep you safe.
Depend on these instead of the fear which is being spread.
Take simple or radical action when and how you are guided.
You will defeat your fear and contribute to the establishment of an overall feeling and practice of well-being.
© 2018 Kathryn Hardage