Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Legitimate Fear

A legitimate fear is not a panic attack.

When you can see the pattern’s negative evolution, you do not have to follow it, nor endure it.

When you are around someone in such a deep conviction of despair that there is continual self-sabotage, your need is to lift yourself up and out.

As a child, you may develop coping skills.

Later, you will be compelled to find healing in order to thrive.

Even a nation can be affected by the people who intentionally spread fear.

This is the time to look within and to listen for what you know is true.

You can combat much of the fear by noticing the difference between the lies and the truth.

Then you can direct your own life accordingly and build on what you know to be true.

If it looks like the lies and fear are becoming overwhelming, listen within once again, and below all the fear, you will find guidance and direction.

You may be guided to take action in a particular way.

You will be able to maintain your own safety and that of others as you continue to listen for guidance and to take action.

There are infinite resources within to keep you safe.

Depend on these instead of the fear which is being spread.

Take simple or radical action when and how you are guided.

You will defeat your fear and contribute to the establishment of an overall feeling and practice of well-being.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, October 29, 2018

Living and Thriving

When something takes longer, even much longer than you expect, it is not because it is being delayed.

It is because you are being required to build a really strong foundation.

All the things you need to take the next step have been being built while you were living and developing your life.

Until everything is in place for thriving, it is impossible to move freely.

You also cannot force nor delay a move that is happening on the Universe’s timetable.

You will find yourself caught up in ideas and actions which you did not direct.

Things will resolve themselves in ways which you did not anticipate.

You will be lifted into your highest dreams.

You will find that you are living a life of purpose.

Connections will occur which are outside your field of reference.

You will release many precious things in your present life in order to move higher.

Your sense of sacrifice will allow you to let go in order to serve a higher purpose.

Your ambition will focus in the direction of your intuition.

You will allow yourself to be led.

Even what is beautiful in your present life must go as you rise into a higher sense of your being.

You will willingly take the next steps with a clear sense of direction.

You will let your Higher Power fulfill your life.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Working in Good Company

One of the things I enjoy the most is working on projects in the company of good friends.

The conversation is supportive and helpful.

We enjoy noting the progress on each of our projects.

There is a comfort of feeling the same about our work.

Although we are different ages, we have the same feeling about what we are making.

Each of us has evolved our work from something we love.

It may be something for ourselves or something for someone else, but it is something which satisfies us to do.

We work with our hands, with color, with design.

Some of us are very precise.

Some of us are very creative.

Some of us are working in a new direction.

There is always support, always knowledge, always help.

Generous attitudes lead the day.

It is something being so close in mind and in emotion.

We are cut from the same cloth.

It is a love for what we do and for each other which creates the balance.

It is good to work in company like this.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Stepping Stones

When starting on a new adventure, it is good to have your foot on one stepping stone as you reach for the next step.

That way, it doesn’t feel like you are stepping into thin air.

As I pack up and donate the contents of my house, I feel as though I am on solid ground while preparing for the next step.

I feel good as I lighten my load of possessions.

I feel the promise of newness and fresh views.

The temptation to feel insecure is met by remembering why I am making the change.

It is wonderful to be in the process of following through on a dream.

In my past travels, there were always solutions to whatever was required.

There were wonderful new experiences just in dealing with everyday life.

I always love opportunities to meet new people.

Each location has its own rhythm.

Landscapes, food, transportation, cityscapes, new language sounds, learning to integrate into a new language.

These are some of the ways new experiences take shape.

Moving into the new rhythms takes some time.

Each little bit of language makes it easier.

Each time a route is walked, the new rhythm is established a little better.

Each one is a stepping stone to the next.

After a while, a new platform is built.

The new platform keeps expanding with every new experience.

More communication and understanding results.

The world grows a little more accessible.

There are new friends everywhere.

This is what I look forward to as I move from one stepping stone to the next.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, October 19, 2018

Release and Releasing

As I move on into a new venture (or adventure), I am tempted by the lure of my possessions.

I am learning to let this process of releasing be easy.

It is the most natural thing to release what we no longer need when we move onward.

I realize the joy I experienced as I gathered materials for fun projects, many (lots) of which I did not complete.

What I can keep is the joy, and I can release the materials.

All I need is what currently part of my development.

I can release everything else.

This is streamlining my process while allowing me to be very grateful.

I am finding many opportunities to give, a very freeing experience.

Instead of being overwhelmed, I can celebrate both receiving abundantly and sharing generously.

I can sense my own clarity in this new stage of my life.

There is deep calm along with it.

I am enjoying the sense of certainty and security even as I step out into something completely new.

There is an efficiency of effort which is developing.

All the long years of spiritual study and learning new skills are producing this sense of release and adventure.

What a delightful way to approach new possibilities!

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Finding Balance During Change

Although it is satisfying to establish routines, sometimes it is necessary to make changes.

When those times come, it is possible to find balance through keeping your priorities in mind.

As I have been preparing for change, I have found it unsettling to go through my possessions, even though I don’t need so many of them any more.

Apparently, my possessions have set up some kind of attachment.

Even though I feel led to release them, some part of me finds itself clinging to them.

I persist in my clearing because I am happy with my decision to live lighter.

Later, realize that I am making room for something more fun and beneficial.

I regain my balance.

I am able to release so much and to give it away where it can serve its purpose in another setting.

I love the space I am creating in my life for more freedom.

I am finding new balance and clarity as my new priorities are given their place.

My new role is not so familiar, but I am committed to it.

I can feel the balance shifting as I continue in my new direction.

I embrace more happiness.

My experience is expanding.

I am able to include new possibilities that I was never able to see before.

I can see myself in new situations.

My balance is shifting from what I have accumulated in possessions and experiences to living in the moment.

It is a new point of balance and I like learning it.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, October 13, 2018

What Fits for You?

Your life is put together from influences around you, your responses, and your desires.

From birth onward, there are opinions and interpretations of experiences flooding the atmosphere you grow up in.

As you gain some perspective on your life, you may wish to change some things, and you can, and maybe you do.

How do you know the best direction to go?

You can create the perfect fit by reading, studying, trying new things and finding the perfect combination for you.

You may follow through on a path which was given to you through your circumstances.

You may change course altogether.

You may become excellent in one field and then discover it no longer has any meaning for you.

When we begin to take charge of our experience, we often come up against the challenges involved in changing course.

Confidence or self-doubt?

Habit or adventure?

Outside resources or inward resilience?

Your desire for change may meet the feeling that it is impossible.

You may decide that no matter what, the alternative of staying as you are is unacceptable.

The combination of factors which you encounter is the puzzle you have to solve.

Great personal growth will result when you take it on.

What is it you desire?

What is your first step to change?

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Take a Walk

Taking steps in patience and freedom is a way of releasing fears about being in public.

Small walks, around the yard, expand into down the block.

Accompanied by a friend, a walk can take you downtown (in a small town).

My husband dropped me off at the top of the two stories of stairs leading down the slope into the park.

I walked to the library from there and he picked me up to bring me home.

I am gradually gaining confidence in being around people.

I am carrying my feeling of safety within me.

I know that my patience and respect for my fears is valuable.

I validate my sincere feelings that way, and I am able to (literally) take the steps to build new experiences for myself.

It is certainly taking much more time than I would have expected, but then I have discovered and uncovered a lifetime of reaction to severe abuse.

I am grateful for all the freedoms I do have, intellectual, ability to teach well, skills in many other fields.

Feeling strong enough to take steps without debilitating fear and panic attacks is another new skill I am learning.

Taking a walk has a lot more meaning for me now.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, October 8, 2018

I Am No Longer Holding My Breath

As I continue in my new, redirected life, I realize that I am no longer holding my breath.

I am able to take steps that make sense to me doing things that I love.

I notice that I am not fighting off the memory of being thrown off track and having to constantly invent new paths in order to be safe.

I am taking the steps confidently to complete projects that are interesting and delightful to me.

I realize that I have a right to do the things that are important and interesting to me.

I no longer have to placate anyone from the past.

I am able to design my life in a way that fits who I am.

I am able to enjoy my work and to take the continuing steps to develop it.

I have good friends who are reliable and supportive.

I am in an environment which is beautiful and congenial.

I can mange the memories from the past with the tools and techniques which I have been given.

I can regroup and start again to complete the projects that are important to me.

I am amazed and delighted.

I am so very grateful to be able to live safely on a new foundation which is meaningful to me.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, October 5, 2018

When Solutions Appear

Sometimes I am working on a problem for so long that it becomes a habit.

Then one day, years down the line, I realize the problem has been addressed and that a new positive practice has taken its place.

I don’t know exactly when that occurred, only that I am now aware of it.

Not only has my problem been solved, my new practice has leaked out into my environment and others have solved their long-term problems as well.

It is amazing how this happens.

Our problems may be the result of our own ignorance, the cruelty and intolerance of others, or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

And yet, they can all be solved.

By embracing a deep intuitive study and listening, we can be guided to completely redirect our thought and rewrite our lives.

This happens on a grander scale than we may realize.

And people are doing this all over the world.

We appear to be in multiple crises brought on by ignorance, cruelty, and bad timing.

But there is also a lot of attention being given to active solutions gained from insight, good practice, research and kindness.

Based on what I am experiencing individually, I believe there is hope.

Let us continue our good practice, and let us expect to see results on a grander scale than we realize.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage