My happiness depends on the images of thought which I cultivate daily and hourly and in every moment.
When I let my imagery fail, I fail to be happy.
It is worth the extra work of turning towards uplifting thoughts and internalizing them, and then letting them externalize in my life.
Despite the horrifying examples of public so-called leaders, (not someone to be following!), I have a higher image of what can be accomplished.
I have a higher image of the value of each one of us.
I have a higher image of the ways in which we can employ ourselves to continue to be uplifting forces in our own country.
I have a higher image of the beautiful and precious children in our country and of their unlimited potential.
Surely we can find ways of bringing out our own higher values and practice them despite the short-sited governmental policies.
Greed is not a force compared to kindness.
Selfish is not a force compared to generosity.
Policy is not a force compared to citizen’s healthy self-interest.
We can all live in such ways as to continue our own uplifting courses of action and be led from our higher nature.
This is what our happiness and well-being depend on.
© 2017 Kathryn Hardage