I am loved, cherished and adored.
All that I do is provided by love.
I am surrounded by those who
appreciate and feel that love
in the form that it is being
expressed by me.
All that I do is through love and
expansion of love.
Love cannot be contained.
It is for everyone.
It embraces and fulfills itself through
its expression by everyone.
Love nurtures the individual
expression of each of us.
It is uniquely and harmoniously
expressed by each of us.
It is always in harmony with everyone
by the nature of its uniqueness.
There is no competition in
love’s expression of itself.
There is no limitation in
love’s expression of itself.
There is no delay in
love’s expression of itself.
All that I do is inspired.
I am nurtured, protected, and
appreciated and celebrated
in all that I do through love.
I am loved, cherished and adored.
© 2012 Kathryn Hardage